RedBull Flyday in Cologne & bye bye
Today we've been in cologne at the Red Bull Flugtag. This fun-competition usually gather a lot of people, as you can see on my own later pictures. The purpose of it is is as old as RedBull itself, crashing your handcrafted Tim - homeimprovement King - flying device into the lake. As the weather was pretty sunny and I've been awake way to early again, we left to cologne to see these guys once live.
It was really crowed, entrance free but the beer expansive. Presumably I need to get used back to the european prices of high-loanded hired laborers. There wasn't that much action anyway, and these things rarely glide more then 5m. Still fun somehow, but not long enough. If you're still interested or pretending to be Tim Allen, you might give the organizer-website a visit and inform yourself, where the event is taking place next time.
Another competition with bigger audience took place in italy today, with more fateful result. Michael Schumacher won in Monza, and published his final decision to quit racing after this championship 2006. Thats a big slap for thousands of fans in Italy, Germany and perhaps other places. Even though some guys may find Formula 1 boring and their stars decadent & arrogant, the sportsman Schumacher was probably one of the greatest we all ever known. Actually I am not a big fan of him by myself, but all he achieved in his long-lasting career, he fought out hard and by himself (with big support by his family I assume).
An opposite but good example of how you can raise in your career, falling up the ladder with the relationship of your family behind the scene, you may check out here in the following video - very funny.
Have a nice sunday everybody,
ja wie jetzt, und der papst ist keine erwähnung wert?
Ja heidenei, der is mir nich durchgegangen, aber ich hab ihn wirklich links liegen lassen. Zuviel Papst overkill, wie Du schon an der Masse von Artikeln hier siehst:,1518,436359,00.html&hl=de
170 Artikel! Na wenn unsere Medien nicht gläubich sind, wer dann? Hast aber Recht - ist schon unsitte, das RedBull Dingen über den Bene zu stellen, tsts. Hole ich gleich nach
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