Sunday headache missing - great meeting friends again
So - finally we've been boozed yesterday as I seeked out for this occasion anyway. Still find myself bit confused, fortunatly no headache at all, even though we had Wodka-Orange, Pernod-Coke, Brandy and a respectful amount of pure Absinth.
The result was extremly expiriencing after the walk over to the pulp at arround 1am. My GF said I was far out, we lost us from time to time in the disco, even though I don't like that place so much and prefer smaller places. But at this level of alcohol and with a nice environment of people (thx to Hardy, Oli & GF, Stefan & GF, Claudio, Raffi Raffsen, short visit by Christian and mentally present: Eikon) even the Pulp was fun. Why and Where Philson was missing I am still wondering.
They played suprisingly good music (I think I remember), danced a lot, met some guys from work and somewhen Ksenia pulled me out of my trance. We had a very good time, and prefered to pick a cab home with Stef's older brother alex and his GF (gosh - where are all the girlfriends coming from? I already found out once that in my environment of friends almost noone is married, even though we're about to be all in the 30s!? That needs to get a seperate blogentry somewhen, but now the fish is about to be fried! Bon apetite - meanwhile feel free to learn how to piss and check out this great video. Layed on the floor laughing!
Geiles Video. Erschreckend, dass so viel davon zutreffend ist.
Der Aufruf vom MArci kam ein bisschen zu spät gestern. War schon in Essen mit Reensen und Torsten verabredet. Wäre gerne dabei gewesen vor allem wegen dem Absinth und um noch ein paar Fragen Rund um das Thema Weblogs zu klären. Next Time... :-)
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