honestly foolish - without guarantee

Just sorting out my thoughts, logging down hilarious content and amusing my Freundeskreis.

Friday, September 29, 2006

German Entry: Nachgeburt zur letzten Pimp-my-Pulp Party


Da ich hier nun blind fremden Content einstelle, mach ich den ganz klein und unscheinbar - denn eigentlich mag ich solche Trinksprüche nicht. Da Ric aber so nett war und von unserem letzten Gelage doch ein paar digitale Erinnungen übersandt, hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt seiner kleinen Sammlung und ein holterdipolter Spruch von der längsten Theke der Welt:

Eine Büffelherde bewegt sich nur so schnell wie der langsamste Büffel.

Wenn die Herde gejagt wird, sind die langsamsten und schwächsten Tiere am Schluss. Diese werden zuerst getötet. Diese natürliche Selektion dient der ganzen Herde, weil durch die regelmäßige Auslese der schwächsten Mitglieder die Schnelligkeit und Gesundheit der Gemeinschaft erhalten oder sogar verbessert wird.

Ganz ähnlich kann das menschliche Gehirn nur so schnell arbeiten, wie die langsamsten Zellen die elektrischen Signale passieren lassen.

Neueste epidemiologische Studien haben gezeigt, dass durch übermäßigen Alkoholkonsum zwar Hirnzellen abgetötet werden, dabei aber die langsamsten und schwächsten Zellen zuerst angegriffen werden.

Regelmäßiger Alkoholkonsum hilft also, schwache Hirnzellen zu eliminieren und macht das Hirn zu einer immer schnelleren und effizienteren Maschine.

Die Resultate dieser umfangreichen Studie bestätigen und bekräftigen den ursächlichen Zusammenhang zwischen Wochenendpartys und beruflichen Leistungen. Es erklärt auch, warum Berufstätige wenige Jahre nach dem Verlassen der Uni und dem Heiraten mit der Leistung der Studenten nicht mehr mithalten können.

Nur wer sich weiterhin dem "haltlosen" Alkoholkonsum hingibt, kann das intellektuelle Niveau halten, welches er während seiner Studienzeit erreicht hat.

Also, dies ist ein Ruf zu den Waffen. Wenn unser Land seinen technologischen Vorsprung verliert, dürfen wir den Kopf nicht in den Sand stecken! Lasst uns zurück in die Kneipen gehen und wieder zechen, unsere Arbeitgeber und unser Land brauchen unsere Höchstleistungen und wir sollten uns Karrierechancen nicht verbauen. Lasst uns mit der Flasche leben und unser Möglichstes geben.

Leitet diese Botschaft an alle eure Freunde, Bekannte und Kollegen weiter, die unter Umständen in Gefahr sind, ihre Leistungsfähigkeit zu verlieren.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Console games revival - SEGA / NINTENDO / SONY / MICROSOFT

Have you ever played console games extensivly before the Sony Playstation was hitting the ground? To be honest, I started quite early with my bro' Dennis, and we received a brand-new NES at christmas somewhen in the 80's. It was the most sucessful home-entertainment released by Nintendo Japan (aka Famicom over there), and my parents presented it to us with the awesome package of soccer / tetris and Mario World.
The cartdridge system was very different and straight forward compared to the Commodore 64 (C<64 Load "blablub" ,8,1 was covered by a pray that the thing still works fine), and thats the time my console adventure started.
Followed by a SuperNES later on brought an even more exciting game-play. To list the extraordinary gaming expiriences we had with this one would burst this blog-entry, but everbody in my age knew at least 10 of the games available there. Noone knew something about HD-TV display or 3D games, but while Commodore started to conquer the world with the Amiga series, the SNES had a couple of the most intelligent and addictive games I ever owned.

The fortunate guys owning both of the systems of Nintendo and the SEGA Mega Drive had a respectful amount of killer-apps, if you were bold enough to save some money, a purchase of the first copy-stations really brought a load of games beeing able to catch you in front of the screen all available time. The follow-up console-war between SEGA and Nintendo was a hard one, whereby SEGA always had an advantage of tackling the target-group with the coolest Arcade games and Sonic the Hedgehog and Nintendo more focussed on Miyamoto's most popular invention Mario. This little fella is still more popular then any other video-game character, first time visible in the Arcade classic Donkey-Kong.

As soon SEGA released their SEGA Saturn to start the 3D console-generation, Nintendo kinda ran behind still developing on a secret wonder somewhere in the hidden areas. While thinking about games like Virtua Fighter or SEGA Rally, Daytona and Decathlete, I remember my subjective support to this console-revolutions against the upcoming competitor Sony.
As most of the current Video-Gamers know, Sony started to understand the potencial in this industry and the sucess of the Sony Playstation is going into it's 3rd generation right now. Nintendo finally came up with their Nintendo64, which really killed me with Mario64 - this game really got it all. But the step to still believe into the cartridge system against built-in CD-roms (possibly to beat copy-mechanism), it didn't allow fullscreen movies and intros, and the small (first) 64MB of space even showed the weakness in sound and music.

The Playstation was pushed into the market with a huge Publisher support, meanwhile the only technical advantage against the SEGA Saturn was the additional ALPHA-channel support of showing transparency (Wipeout is a good example, as this appeared on both consoles). Somewhen later I purchased the japanes first version of the SEGA Dreamcast, with new Arcade classic games such as Virtua Figther 3 and a newer SEGA Rally on it. I still think that the Dreamcast games had a way more elegant and powerful amount of releases, but Sony was just more intelligent in Marketing and Networking.
The SONY Playstation 2 and the new Nintendo Gamecube (finally own Gigabyte CD-Format, but again not copy-able) was the final deathblow against SEGA.

Even though Sony obviously won this clash of the console, SEGA is still one of the best Video-Game Publisher on all top-of-the-nodge consoles at the moment.
Meanwhile Microsoft with their XBOX and the 360 is a very recent one, lot's of the older generation buddies still look back into the history and would die to get back to the old times of pixel-2D scroller. Who ever wants to have a small leap back in time shouldn't hesitate to check out the page I posted in the title-link. Or just play a bit of one of the best video games ever (Zelda is just too time-consuming ;)

Have fun, and shall the old times never die in our memory!

Super Mario Bros 3

Free Games Online

Thursday, September 21, 2006

German entry: Grabtänze der Musikindustrie auf der Popkommsen

Der Chaos Computer Club macht auf der Popkomm von sich hören. Folgende Songs werden unter der Creative Commons Lizenz zum freien Download / als CD angeboten, um unsere klagende Musikindustrie ein wenig zu dissen:

CCC | Boykott der Musikindustrie ist absolut hörenswert - Boykott der Musikindustrie ist absolut hörenswert

September 20, 2006 (Chaostreff Regensburg).
Unbedingt auschecken.

Gestern hab ich Gulli auf der OMD getroffen (womit?) Gute Messe, viel los, später mehr...

Monday, September 18, 2006

WoW meets myspace.com - MTV establishes OnlineWorld

MTV is about to follow the big footprints Web 2.0 online communities such as youtube / myspace / TheSims. With Virtual Laguna Beach, the formaly most hippest teenage-network tries to catch up on the loosing target-group and finding new ways to bound their people into it.
As online-communities are supposed to have a strong addictive attraction, it is proven to make a respectful amount of dollars by either selling it to a bigger holding or trying to get your advertisers connected to it.

The expiriement MTV tries to do is beeing a pioneer to establish new selling channels, as the article on the topic explains. Offering a gold- or platinum membership to visit nightclubs or bying online property is not new though, as ebay shows in lots of auctions, like this $1000 for a WoW character. But to let Consumers & Customers meeting in an online environment, following up with a multi-channel market to buy their stuff offline afterwards is kinda new to me.

This obiously will start with a bunch of hip and very modern huge advertising firms - most I know don't even trust and fully get the CPM / CPC / CPA deal and still mistrusting the online-advertising. Even though most spent only a tiny percentage of the media-budget into online (~ 3- 5% avg) against the huge $ which is still invested into offline such as print / Tv / Radio, the recent ongoing boom in search is strangely attracting more and more advertisers each day. As online-statistics say, even the click-fraud is beeing ignored by most of them, making GYM (googleyahoomsn) and SEO such a success.

Now starting to place Ads into a virtual life-environment, counting online-purchases and somehow following the brand-sucess and the offline shopping tour later on (if some will be able to leave the office-chair anyway), it needs a whole new approach of counting-measurement and royality contracts. But no doubt ingame advertising will be the next boom, fully behavioural targeted, embedded into an adventure where most human are spending more time then in front of the TV or reading a newspaper, will still have to go a long road to insert trustworthy and efficient relationship between publisher & advertisers.

The OMD fair - biggest online-advertising in germany - offers a congress on wednesday about ingame-advertising, and you'll definitialy meet me there. However, I still stay away of MMORPGs as it's - as stated above - highly addicts onliner and consumes time as a gigantic black hole.

Keep you posted -- tomorrow night is our big OMD party, followed by 2 exhausting days on our stand. More likely I am not able to post early, but as soon as I can.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday headache missing - great meeting friends again

So - finally we've been boozed yesterday as I seeked out for this occasion anyway. Still find myself bit confused, fortunatly no headache at all, even though we had Wodka-Orange, Pernod-Coke, Brandy and a respectful amount of pure Absinth.

The result was extremly expiriencing after the walk over to the pulp at arround 1am. My GF said I was far out, we lost us from time to time in the disco, even though I don't like that place so much and prefer smaller places. But at this level of alcohol and with a nice environment of people (thx to Hardy, Oli & GF, Stefan & GF, Claudio, Raffi Raffsen, short visit by Christian and mentally present: Eikon) even the Pulp was fun. Why and Where Philson was missing I am still wondering.

They played suprisingly good music (I think I remember), danced a lot, met some guys from work and somewhen Ksenia pulled me out of my trance. We had a very good time, and prefered to pick a cab home with Stef's older brother alex and his GF (gosh - where are all the girlfriends coming from? I already found out once that in my environment of friends almost noone is married, even though we're about to be all in the 30s!? That needs to get a seperate blogentry somewhen, but now the fish is about to be fried! Bon apetite - meanwhile feel free to learn how to piss and check out this great video. Layed on the floor laughing!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Die fabelhafte Welt des Eikon: 23 und kein Ende

Originally uploaded by Hakezuba.
As Marcel likes to go paranoid on the illuminati from time to time, I'd like to give him some more material - found in my laptopbag the attached snippet from Lufthansa flight at Diana's Birthday this year. O_o

She has all reason still beeing mad on me! If you like the - 23 -, give Eikon or Pottpoet a visit:
Manual trackback:

Die fabelhafte Welt des Eikon: 23 und kein Ende

Nichts ist so wie es scheint

Friday, September 15, 2006

Pre-Weekend eve

Here we go - I just came back from a trip to london to meet my new manager, parallel trying to fix a way to unoptimized strategic project going to be dumped to the toilet. Possibly this means weekend work for me and Ksenia (psst, she doesn't know about her luck yet) to catch up on our lost time, but as we're all pro-active and very responsive consultants, a short-termed project relief does not fuck us up.

My eyes still pain, it seems I really have an awkward allergic reaction to my lenses suddenly, and I AM MISSING MY GUYS!!! I still wanna get boozed with them, but now it's somehow to late to get them invited right now - gosh, that sucks.

To bring me up and running to enjoy the weekend again, I've created my pernod / table water right now and do some chakaaaah-stuff with the following flash-movie!

Hopefully seeing you guys at the weekend, everybody else: Let's meet next week at the OMD convention, I am really looking forward to our party on tuesday night :)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Enjoying one of the last sunny summer days

My good friend Laser-Arne posted the following pictures, before going to say good-bye to his Job and his assigned laptop. I am soon going to say goodbye to the current working day, as the sun is still shining - even if the weather-forecasting said something else today.
So after a long nap in the office today

cause it was so exhausting to read all these terrible articles about job-efficiency, blogging on the working-place, surfing privatly on the internet and beeing even fired of you're catched once, we better get layed of cause laughing about fakes like this

and instead of going to a meeting or even fucking boring party like this girl supposely is vistiting at the moment

we are gearing up to visit the ratinger-street in Duesseldorf, like on almost each wednesday. You can meet various of easy people there, drinking a huge amount of beer, standing in hundreds on the street and preparing themself for the weekend. Opa Kanne is greeting us

and wishing the best to have fun - me too! Take care everybody

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A post not only for Bush and the pope

But there are other things in this live: You remember when you dive down into an article, a soap, a documentation or just stare to something? Deep inside of you, most of the people would pay a lot to carry an endless roll of plastic with them, build like this:

At least some of us may end up beeing finally able to quit smoking.

Some very beautiful pictures I found on the GEO-pages, expressing the colorful world were living in. Still enough time to check out the recent stories like the Bush-speech about 9/11, the Pope-speeches about us christians and the fraud-news about lonelygirl15, without any comment from my side, but influencing all the world in a very short-term.

What impresses me a bit more is fiddling arround with del.icio.us - feel free to add me, I'd be very thankful for your new bookmarked links mate!
0 my del.icio.us

Have a good and sunny day!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Some pictures grabbed from moscow metro

Some funny pictures to end a stressful working day: Check out the Blog of englishrussia.com, and enjoy a collage of day-to-day adventures in the metro. I can confirm that you see such things almost each day, especially at the weekend, as I travelled to Saint Petersburg on a regular bases and had my expirience in that metro as well.
Even though the comments on the blog are quite rude, it stays funny somehow. The russians are not all drunk each day, the amount of people is just incredibly high, and the drunks are not staying at home all day like in germany for instance.

And some comment from my own expirience: It happened so often that me alone or with my friends we woke up early in the morning at the end-station somewhere in Dortmund or cologne, far away from home with terrible headache. Possibly the team-sleep looked kinda different, but not less effective.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

RedBull Flyday in Cologne & bye bye

Today we've been in cologne at the Red Bull Flugtag. This fun-competition usually gather a lot of people, as you can see on my own later pictures. The purpose of it is is as old as RedBull itself, crashing your handcrafted Tim - homeimprovement King - flying device into the lake. As the weather was pretty sunny and I've been awake way to early again, we left to cologne to see these guys once live.

It was really crowed, entrance free but the beer expansive. Presumably I need to get used back to the european prices of high-loanded hired laborers. There wasn't that much action anyway, and these things rarely glide more then 5m. Still fun somehow, but not long enough. If you're still interested or pretending to be Tim Allen, you might give the organizer-website a visit and inform yourself, where the event is taking place next time.

Another competition with bigger audience took place in italy today, with more fateful result. Michael Schumacher won in Monza, and published his final decision to quit racing after this championship 2006. Thats a big slap for thousands of fans in Italy, Germany and perhaps other places. Even though some guys may find Formula 1 boring and their stars decadent & arrogant, the sportsman Schumacher was probably one of the greatest we all ever known. Actually I am not a big fan of him by myself, but all he achieved in his long-lasting career, he fought out hard and by himself (with big support by his family I assume).

An opposite but good example of how you can raise in your career, falling up the ladder with the relationship of your family behind the scene, you may check out here in the following video - very funny.

Have a nice sunday everybody,

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Our Travel Log opened

The first draft is online, and I like it. Feel free to give our new Blog Holiday Diary by Ksenia & Daniel a visit. Step by step we'll post our journey here as promised, and the first day already made it into.
Meanwhile the weather in germany seems to give us a hard time to spend in front of the computer, I will leave the desk now and start to get myself used to the environment outside, without balinesian folks & travellers arround. The last two days in the office were kinda strange, the jetlag keeps bothering me a bit and I fell asleep yesterday way to early.
Unfortunatly we've missed Eikon's birthday party and a visit to the hundermeister, which I find more then a pity. Hope you guys accept our apologize and give us another chance to pick up on that again.

If you're staying in front of your computer, probably you wanna checkout a video-snipped of the recent air-guitar competition in Finland. Let there be rock! Or let her fall -> Strip-Bl00per

Thursday, September 07, 2006

And the final bummer: Back in germany

honestly we're sad, but however: Back home in germany, back on broadband and able to end my intermediate postings finally with the first picture of us. We arrived at Frankfurt and picked the next ICE to Duisburg.

So far so good, we're at work and I feel like 8pm already now. Curious about my body at 8pm local time.

Picking up emails right now, my outlook doesn't respond as quick as I hope to, the rules are blockin my whole machine! I need a new laptop, time for a talk with my boss anyway. I am looking forward to start serious diary backward about the hols on weekend, hopefully I can get my guys collected for a Nasi Goreng and an Arak or a more local Chilli with Pernod & Cola. We'll see you all soon!

Daniel Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Way home - bah!

Hey folks,

boarding time is in 5 minutes, backpacks given away, and we're heading
over BKK to FRA.

Thank you Bali for your moments and atmosphere - we shall return soon.

Ksenia & Daniel

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

and some kudos to Philsen

Hey Philsen,

We'll get back to your comments as soon we can login to the blog again
- until then: this entry is dedicated to you ;)


Arrived at Kuta in Bali / back again

We're back again - after our trip from Gili Trewangan over Lombok to
Padang-bai with Perama Tours boat, we stayed one night in Ubud. Our
plan for one night in central bali was doing one of the famous Spa -
so we visited the Nua Salon: 500.000 IDR (arround 50 euros) for a 3
1/2 hour package of traditional balinese body massage, facial (not the
porn stuff), a hair treatment plus mani- and pedicure.
It was perfect, but I fucked it up in the middle and got some of my
curry- lotion into my eyes. The whole day until today was messed up,
my eyes are red like a bloddy vampire and pain like hell. Obviously I
can't wear my lenses right now, and my glasses lost one piece of the
eye - crap. However, after falling asleep after our massage, we wanted to meet
Craig and Corinna from england / australia in Kuta again. WeJve met
them on the Gilis with our Diving instructor, and both of them are
hell of interesting and friendly bunch of people. Craigs parents used
to live in Kuta for a while, and Corinna has a damn long and
extravagant travelling expirience (including countries like Birma -
google for it, no piece of land is isolated like this, you're not
allowed to bring one piece of a magazine or newspaper inside, these
guys never had internet there and don't even know whose bloddy
annoying Mr. George W. Bush).

However, after today arrival in famous Kuta / Legian, Bali's loud and
noisy surfer paradise, we've tried to catch up with craig to find
their hotel-recommendation. This time, neither the ganja nor some
mushrom layed him down - this poor guy threw up the whole day since we
left the boat in Padang-Bai.
I am so happy for us not having one day of the so called 'Bali-Belly',
whereby as a european you need to count in at least 2 days of a hard
time to get used to the different spices, water anbd fruits they are
using over here.

We haven't had anything, but these two mates seem to have had either a
bad ice-cream on Gili or picked the wrong food on the boat.
Since we met Craig shortly in the hotel, this poor man haven't left
the room once - probably only jumping between bed and toilet. After a horrible 4 hours shopping marathon on Legian beach and poppies
lane, we've met Corinne at the beautiful sunset and the famous Kuta
Beach. As crowded it's used to be before the bombings, it is still so
full of atmosphere. Hundreds of chilling people laying in the sand,
enjoying the most impressive sunset of the world.
Shopping is even more a horror in Kuta since 2002 - a big bunch of
australians still keep away from Bali, the big Bombing Monument right
next to our Hotel still reminds about all bodies, written in golden
letters into stone. The ground-zero day is still a big part in the
memory of most balinese people, the 'fuck all terrorists' t-shirts
express only barely civil mind in pieces.

The hawkers over here are less aggressive like in Lovina, but the lack
of tourists can be felt with every step you make. No comparison to the
easyness of Amed or the absence of sellers on the Gilis.
But it's still not quit over here, while having a bintang on the
balcony, I can here the basedrum of the bars & clubs nearby,
advertising themself with pretty chicks on the street and trying to
pull the still big amount of trvallers but especially surfers into
their places. Ksenia and I probably did some good deals, more likely not -
even if you pay only a small dollar for sarong, silver or shorts, even after a
lot of bargaining and a crying shop-seller, you have the feeling you
payed 10 times off their lowest offer possible.
However, found cool trousers, small amount of souvenirs and 15
brand-new DVDs for 10 euros (in a slim plastic case, fully cover).
Not looking forward to our flight departure back to bangkok ->
Franfurt tomorrow afternoon, especially Ubud, Amed and Gili Trawangan
caught us completly. As promised before, we'll report about this in
details later, editing and adding piece by piece this weekend.
I am curious how our working day on thursday / friday will look like,
as we're now on GMT -6, so we're about to work at midnight time for
us. But it was all worth it, this travel appears to us like not 2 1/2
weeks, but 2 months of bloddy nice expirience - how can you get this
with a fixed pre-booked holiday so easily? ;-)

Posting soon, many greetings from Bali 2006!!
Ksenia (writing good ol' postcards) and Daniel (the e-man bloggo-mat)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

PADI Open Water Diver sucessfully accomplished :)

It is done! We've completed the certification today with our 4th open water dive on dive-spot 'meno wall'. The theory exam was done yesterday already, whereby the practical part was way more exciting.

We finished with a lot of big turtles, batfish, angel- and trumpetfish and some squids. In the morning we've seen a baby- and a white tip shark, just chilling on the bottom in front of us. The shark was about 1 1/2 meter long, really impressive to log that down in our diving logbook. One of the turtle just swam right above Ksenia, it was again a beatiful expirience here on Gili Trawagan.

More about the seen fish and pieces out of our logbook after we returned, unfortunatly we haven't made any underwater pictures, but the expirience will stay in our memory forever.

Tomorrow we'll pick up another fun-dive at sharks-point in the morning, as soon my tingeling in the toes becomes any better ;)
On monday we're planning to leave in the morning again with the. peraman boat to Padang-Bai Bali, but I am honestly not looking forward to it. Now I am more looking for a shower and then getting boozed at the pub with our instructor jordy, who really did a great job training us. We will miss his patience and professionality - he knows really a lot about the spots arround the Gillis.

The whole team at http://www.manta-dive.com is really really nice, check out the page for more infos and pictures - I can totally recommend their service at the best on Trawangan. Ask for Jordy if you're dutch or speak english, and you will enjoy diving like we do. All the best to Tim, Ben (we missed to say goodbye, he left for a six day diving trip to the Komodo islands), the girls, Laura and Anthony as well.

To be continued, need to get rid of the salted water - and the night starts already.
